Duratrans Pricing

A Bespoke Premier service.

Premium Duratrans prints

See below for pricing.


Duratrans Prices

Fine Art Photographic C-Type Display Material

Kodak Professional Duratrans & Fujitrans Crystal Archive

Premium fine art 'Duratrans' prints are a Bespoke Premier service only.

Turnaround times

All Duratrans: 5 working days

Mounting: 10 working days.

* Bespoke Premier Services include test printing upon request, turnaround times are subject to test approval.

Turnaround times are for completion only and do not include delivery.

All turnaround times are subject to quantity, for larger volume orders times may be extended.

All turnaround extensions will be discussed prior to order confirmation.

How do I make an order?

Order now and get museum quality prints dispatched internationally. Simply send us your artwork by using our WeTransfer link below or call us for a quote.

WeTransfer LINK

Still have a question?

Please feel free to contact us directly and speak to a member of our team who will be happy to help.

Contact Us